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I help new moms

embrace motherhood, redesign their life and rediscover themselves

so they can be their true authentic self again. 

Image by Ina Soulis

Dr. Neha Satija

About Me

I am a

   Certified Professional Life Coach from Singapore University of Social Sciences,

Meditation facilitator 

Certified Pranic Healer from Centre of Inner Studies, Singapore.

A firm believer in a Holistic Approach to living and well-being, I support people going through life transitions by helping them make their journey smooth and efficient.


REVIBE MAMA is a Programme specially designed by me so

- You can rediscover your WHATs, WHYs and HOWs after becoming a new mom

- You can live your best life with a renewed purpose and according to your own aspirations and definitions

- You can tap into your inner potential and claim ownership of your life in way that feels empowering and concrete. 


I have always been involved with various volunteer organisations for causes like Women Career Coaching, Entrepreneurship Coaching Programmes and Children Wellness. 


I am a big advocate for emotional inclusion for new moms at work place, beyond commonplace maternity breaks and flexible working arrangements.  


I’ve been there...

...where you are now!!

From a growing professional, having a busy social life, strict fitness routine and a list of interests that filled all the time in between…to the mom of two boys, longing to redefine and rediscover my life.

I have experienced a life of a stay-at-home and a working mom. Honestly, in both situations, life was never easy. I have talked to so many other moms through coaching and in my social circle.... Life hasn't been easy for any of them either.

I am  Dentist too, 

...and I am sure you didn't see that one coming.


Here's the fun part...

I always had that desire of making a difference in other people's life. 

My interest in medicine, inclination towards academics and my compassionate self, drove me towards studying dentistry. The next thing I knew, I had 12+ years of experience under my belt.


Becoming a mom...

changed my life in more ways than I had ever expected. To say the least, the first 3 years after I had my first son was the toughest period of my life.


So, I started all over again!

Pursued Life Coaching...which coincided with


my second pregnancy

Ofcourse as a mom and an entrepreneur, I had my share of ups and downs.


But this time,

with skills and techniques of coaching and support of peer coaches, came clarity about my vision.


I made a plan!

Became intentional with every move and started getting more done.

I explored many techniques that could help deal with stress and many tools for a productive life.

I have gained experience in many different types of meditations and also became a Certified Basic Pranic Healer.




I have always been a go getter in my life.

Never settled for anything less, and so should you.

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But wait there’s more to the story!


A Holistic Life Transition Coaching For Your Motherhood Journey

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