Neha Satija
- May 14, 2021
- 5 min
Living on AUTO-PILOT or SURVIVAL MODE? Here's how to take charge of your life..
*Note* - The audio version of this post is on the right side. Do you find yourself lately feeling lost or stuck, like there is something...
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Neha Satija
- Jan 13, 2021
- 1 min
What is Pranic healing?
'Prana' is the Sanskrit word for life force. It is called ‘chi’ in China and ‘ki’ in Japan. PRANIC HEALING is a highly developed and...
Neha Satija
- Jan 13, 2021
- 1 min
Meditation for New Moms
WHY YOU NEED MEDITATION AS A NEW MOM? Fluctuating hormones, body’s recovery, coping with baby's every need along with sleeplessness can...